Boys Varsity Tennis make a Comeback to the Court

Edie Pilarski, Editor

The boys varsity tennis season started this summer on August 12th and the team is working harder than ever. However, this year’s fall sports are looking a little bit different. The tennis team is still looking forward to a fulfilling season, regardless of the circumstances. Specific regulations are being followed to make sure the risk of contracting COVID-19 is decreased. It is difficult to take precautions with sports, but the tennis team is not putting a halt to practice time and matches. 

To be safe, the boys have been staying distanced and each school gets their own set of tennis balls during matches. Matches are still running as they usually would, despite the distancing and individual sets of balls. The team puts their initials on the balls to prevent them from getting mixed up and hand sanitizer is a necessity. The season looks different this year, but the boys are keeping their heads up. 

“It definitely feels different, the way we are playing. We have our own set of balls for each match, we don’t share with our opponents, and the atmosphere is different. We also have less people coming to our matches which means there is not as much support” sophomore Joseph Melaragni said. 

The returning players are getting used to their new normal, but new players are learning to adjust. They have been practicing at the courts every week to improve. Matches are just starting and there are many more to come through September and October. The boys who joined the season this year, are dedicating many hours to perfecting their skills. Some of the boys got ready for the season during the quarantine, which prepared them for the tough practices they have weekly. 

“I have been practicing for the season during quarantine. I actually have been training for about two to three years, so I was planning on joining the team this year. I’m looking forward to getting better as a player and as a team overall. I am also looking forward to having a successful year.” freshman Shaan Singh said. 

Coaches of the boys team, Coach Studzinski and Coach Nellis, have been working the team at every practice. They spend every minute wisely and it is evident that they want the team to use their full potential. At practice, Coach Nellis gives the boys about 50 seconds to gather the balls from the courts. When they do not pick up all the balls quick enough, they must run back and forth on the court. The coaches and team are not there to mess around; they are taking this season seriously. 

“I am happy to play tennis this season, but we are not doing great so far. I’m looking forward to winning matches and I’m trying to improve everyday. I stay positive when I practice in order to improve.” freshman Joshua Byers said. 

This sports season might be unusual for all athletes, not just the boys on the varsity tennis team. It is unknown when sports will return to normal, but it looks like the teams are working hard to stay safe and play smarter everyday. Through precautions and social distancing, the tennis team seems hopeful for a strong season this fall.