Starring Ryan Gosling, in the movie “Drive” follows a nameless driver who portrays a glamorous yet brutal character. While being a mysterious character, he allows his actions to speak louder than his actual words since he is a quiet reserved character.
Driver (Gosling) is a skilled Hollywood stuntman who performs dangerous driving stunts for movies, while also a criminal getaway driver on the down low. When introduced to his new neighbor his life takes a turn and he begins to take a liking for her and her son. Everything begins to go downhill once her debt-ridden husband is released from jail and is involved in a heist where Driver serves as the skilled get-away operator. It all goes terribly wrong and he must navigate a new challenging world.
“Drive” is a phenomenal movie with actors who carried out their roles perfectly. There are common facts about the main character that are unknown like his name, but discover who he is not only through his actions but the coldness he portrays which allows us to figure out what kind of person he is. The movie shows a side of loneliness and redemption he faces which can relate to many people. Meeting his neighbor, Irene (Carey Mulligan), brings out a new side of him. Themes like love and sacrifice are touched on and really make the movie’s message beautiful. Not only does he want to love but it’s revealed that he only does what is necessary, meaning he isn’t a getaway driver for the criminal aspect. Though what he does isn’t very relatable, how he feels and why he does what he does is.
Having a remarkable soundtrack like this movie enhances the whole experience and mood. Not only does the soundtrack bring everything together, so do the mesmerizing lights. Though it may not seem like, when comparing scenes there is a similar tone of lights when he is with Irene, or when there’s something intense or distressing happening. It could be said the lighting becomes a character of its own. Even the intense scenes add a bigger narrative and shows the choices Driver has made. A great example is when the big fighting scene happens with two men who are murdered brutally. The scene isn’t just impressive but Driver finishing them off seems right and significant as well as having a suddenness aspect to it.
Many critics say the movie was “too slow paced” and were frustrated by the quieter moments. There is also a debate on whether there should’ve been more information on Driver. Viewers felt the movie lacked substance or depth without knowing his backstory. Some were also let down by the fact there was an underwhelming amount of action. For being categorized as an action thriller, the violence and car chases were rather focusing on realism than the traditional overwhelming action scenes.
Overall, “Drive” brings out a balance of intensity and thoughtful moments to leave one resonating once the end credits roll around. Feeling as though a sleep is over and being woken from a fever dream with the neon lights and emotional themes that allow connections to be formed.
As someone who’s watched the movie, it deserves a solid 5 out of 5 stars.