Flip, click, scroll–influences from all around are circling people. The growth of adolescents is heavily influenced by the media they consume, whether that is in films, music, or social media. Media and the kind of culture someone consumes makes one desire to be more like it, mentally and physically. This results in changes and development in adolescents.
“Music changed who I am as a person a lot in the ways of style and, overall, how I behave and act,” sophomore Van O’Brien said. “I found that once I really started to dive into music, my style changed from more of a sporty style to a more alternative one. I also have a lot of idols who are musicians that I look up to, and I find myself acting somewhat like they do because I strive to be like them in a way.”
According to an article written by Dave Miranda, “The role of music in adolescent development: much more than the same old song”, musical emotions interact with key psychological phenomena. The phenomena include cognitions, motivations, aesthetics, creativity, performance, health, social behaviors, personality, and cross-cultural similarities and differences. This is an indicator that music and its variety of emotions impact adolescents psychologically.
“Movies inspire changes in me in so many different ways including changes in my style, outlook on life, etc.,” sophomore Sofia Argentiero said. “The beauty that film has is the ability to hold a deeper meaning within its plot, and that deeper meaning influences how I go about my everyday life. Within the characters I feel that relate to myself, I find a sense of comfort and understanding knowing that I am not alone.”
In the article written by TEENSCRIPT, “Adolescence through the lens of films: (coming of age movies),” it is stated that films, especially coming-of-age, bring out emotions, provide role models, effect socialization, and encourage cultural behaviors. It is also said that coming-of-age films connect with the younger audience through unseen struggles, several emotions, and triumphs in one’s adolescent years. With this said, teenagers see themselves through their favorite films, which inspires their development.
“Some labels and content can sometimes make me insecure, and it can feel exhausting at times,” sophomore Emma O’Neill said. “However, there are certain parts of social media that do allow me to learn a lot about myself, like my style, as well as what’s going on around the world. I think social media has both negative and positive impacts on me personally. I try to keep my feed online as positive and as educational as I can.”
The article “Social media brings benefits and risks to teens. Here’s how psychology can help identify a path forward,” by Kirsten Weir illustrates that social media can help teenagers find themselves. It is said that the media helps them discover new information, engage with issues and current events, and have their own voice in society. Adolescents therefore get influenced by what they surround themselves with, which can have both a positive and negative impact.
Overall, films, media, and music are huge inspirations and global reasons for adolescent growth. These factors contribute to why a person is the way they are, which is a huge topic studied by psychologists. It is a major topic to think about, considering it has affected every adolescent.