Talk With Your Pads, Play With Your Heart
Michigan Taking the Top Five Ranking

October 12, 2022
Rain or shine football players around the country are on the field working and slaving to become number one. Now that the NFL is underway, Michigan fans are eagerly waiting to keep their place in the top 5.
“Ranking scares me It makes me feel that there is too much pressure
and students respond to pressure better than others,” Associate Principal Tony Tocco.
Michigan has put a lot of pressure on the players, and they respond to that pressure better than not being pressured to do good out on the field. The Michigan players are loving the football games by being way up on the ranking chart.
“The coaching of the team and I respect the way they coach and have to know what is fun and a huge fan of Desmond Howard,” Tocco said.
The coaching of the team is very well managed. The players work very well together and can work through any of their differences when it comes to confrontation. When existing players get new players on the team, they will accept them for themselves they don’t exclude anyone from anything.
“They earned it so far, haven’t played yet this year, getting through the top 10 is going to be a struggle to get through the rankings of the teams,” Tocco said
Michigan fans are getting impatient waiting for Michigan to stay in the top 5 in the start of the new NFL season.