Rotten Candy Canes
Rotten Tomatoes versus Community
January 5, 2022
The holidays are known for a lot of fun traditions. One of them being watching our favorite Christmas movies with our friends and families. But not all critics can agree on movies, so which movies are the best?
The critics of rotten tomatoes are the most heard critics of movies in the world. Our students, teachers, and parents have expressed disagreement in their ratings of Christmas movies. The favorite Christmas movies according to rotten tomatoes is not the same as our own community.
“The newer movies are more funny. They have a sense of humor that the older movies didn’t have. Comedies are favored by people of this generation. The older movies are more heart felt and about family and the “spirit of Christmas. These movies aren’t and reach the tickle bone of the viewer,” senior Jack Conley said.
“They are known as classics which are favored by the critics. The critics that rotten tomatoes use are mostly older people, so it’s more biased to why they would like those movies,” junior Ayannah Sierminski said.
While most people under the age of 50 agree that these newer movies are the best; it has been shown that the older generation likes the older movies. They find it nostalgic, just as younger crowds would with newer movies.
“I think most families like to during the holidays. Watching movies gives off a different mood and brings family together during the season. It is also a tradition and people love to follow them,” senior Ashton Karash said.
Most agree with Ashton that a pastime during the holidays is to watch these movies. However, there is still such a debate over which movies are the best.
A recent poll at the school showed different opinions on movies. Over 100 people, culminating of students, teachers, faculty members, and parents were asked which of the holiday movies were their favorites. 77 percent of those asked voted for movies that came out after 1985 or newer movies and only 23 percent voted for “classics” that are favored on websites like rotten tomatoes.
As the holidays draw nearer, these movies that are favored by the young will increase in popularity. This being said, the debate will rise again to see whether or not it is true; that the new generation of movie watchers disagree with the critics of Rotten tomatoes.
The newer generation does not agree with the narrative that classics will be better than newer movies. Those who like the more recent movies are a part of those generations. Therefore, rotten tomatoes and its critics should be classified as not speaking for the majority.
Being a critic comes with responsibility and criticism. That’s why the job is so hard and must only be run by those who seek answers instead of a biased agenda. The critics at Rotten Tomatoes are not being fair with their ratings; if the data shows that the new age movies are the popular and beloved choice for the holidays.