Ann Arbor Shroom Stakes

The city of Ann Arbor moves to decriminalize psychedelics

Kurt Szymanski, Editor

In November 2018, voters made Michigan only the 10th state to legalize marijuana consumption. Now in 2020, the city of Ann Arbor has proceeded to make psychedelic drugs, such as magical mushrooms, a low priority, by decriminalizing them as a whole.

Psychedelics are said to be a great alternative from antidepressants. If used correctly psychedelics could be used to treat depression. A study done by the Imperial College of London proved the said drugs to bring safe and positive results. More studies have shown positive results for cancer patients as well.

It’s not uncommon for cancer patients to fall into a mind state where they feel hopeless and their life has become meaningless. In a study done by New York University, 29 patients were given a single dose and 60% to 80% saw a reduction in stress that happened briskly and lasted for about 6 months. 

However, with the positive effects that stem from mushrooms, negative effects can also occur. Symptoms such as anxiety, paranoia, psychosis and disorientation can occur, putting the user at risk along with those around them. Abusing a psychedelic can also lead to addiction and worsen one’s depression even worse, but if used correctly in a controlled environment, addiction can be avoided.

Personally I think decriminalizing shrooms is a good move on Ann Arbor’s part. Although there are some negative side effects, the same can be said about any other drug that is legal. 

Alcohol is of course legal to citizens of the United States at or above the age of 21. Despite the fact that thousands of people are killed in just car crashes involving a DUI alone, alcohol remains legal because if done responsibly it should result in little to no ramifications of people’s lives. If that same trust and logic is put into psychedelic drugs, then it should be legal across the country.

With the city of Ann Arbor now decriminalizing the possession and use of psychedelics, there’s no telling what’s next for psychedelics across the state.